Relaxing mosaic exercise

This is a completely different exercise than the ones before and probably something you wouldn’t normally do. Creating your own paper mosaic pattern! The repetitive motion of cutting the paper into smaller pieces is really relaxing, almost meditative. Your mind will need to focus when you are creating the pattern and this will help you quiet down the rest of your thoughts for a moment. A lovely distraction!

Supplies used:

Sheet of blank paper, sheets of colored paper, scissors and a glue roller.

Alternative supply suggestions:

To make the mosaic pieces you can use any paper that you have lying around as long as it isn’t white; use a page from a magazine, a newspaper or a flyer. If you really have nothing, grab a piece of paper and draw some  sections with different colours on it. You don’t need a glue roller, any hobby glue will do. If you have kids, maybe you can borrow some of theirs.


1. Cut the colored paper into strips.
2. Cut the strips into squares.
3. Now cut most of the squares into triangles. Keep a few squares.
4. Create your own pattern with your mosaic pieces.
5. Glue your pattern on your blank piece of paper. Now you have your own mosaic design!

Are you a stressed-out mom who longs for a little “me-time” but can never seem to find it? Do you love the idea of creative self-care but don’t know how to fit it into your busy schedule? I hear you, and I want to help!

Get ready to ignite your creativity with my 30-Day Creative Cooldown Challenge. Each day, you’ll receive a fun prompt to inspire just 5 minutes of creative expression.

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