Have you ever drawn a Christmas wreath? It’s not difficult at all. In this first exercise of my new Holiday and Winter series, I will show you how.
Christmas is my favorite holiday! I love all the lights, the smell of the Christmas tree, and of course all the food. So my first exercise had to be something ‘Christmassy’.
This Christmas wreath and baubles exercise is very mindful and relaxing. The repetitive motion of drawing all the needles will make you concentrate and focus on the present. It can get you in a nice flow. Pretty useful for this holiday month which can be stressful at times.
It’s also an easy and fun design for a Christmas card. So you can combine some creative me-time with making homemade cards. Win-win, I’d say.
Please let me know, if you’ve enjoyed this mindful Christmas wreath and baubles exercise, I’d love to know.
You can find a small video of this exercise on my Instagram @thecreativecooldown
Supplies used:
Paint On Mixed media paper (Clairefontaine), gelly roll metallic #526 (Sakura), fineliner 0.5 Sepia (Winsor and Newton), fineliner black 0.3 (Copic), circle maker (Helix), gouache (Holbein artists’), pencil 4B (Koh-I-Noor), metallic watercolor (Finetec), paintbrush no.2 (Prima marketing), paintbrush no.8 (da Vinci), washi tape.
Alternative supply suggestions:
You can use whatever supplies you want for this exercise; colored pencils, watercolor, crayons, etc. Even if you just have a pencil, just try it. You can simulate different colors by using different shades of grey. If you don’t have a circle maker, just use a round object to make a circle.
1. Firstly, grab some paper and supplies that you prefer. Get a circle maker or a round object and draw a circle in the middle of your paper. Do this with a pencil, so you can erase it later. If you have any, it’s fun to experiment with colored paper.
2. Grab a brown fineliner, pen, colored pencil, or small marker and draw some branches on the edge of your circle. Use your pencil lines as guidance and follow the direction of the circle. When you’re done and the ink is dry, softly erase your pencil lines.
3. Grab something green to draw the needles with. Always do one side of the branch first, because this makes it easier to draw all the needles at the same angle. They should all point in the direction of the tip of your branch. Continue until all the branches have needles. Look at your wreath and check if the branches are evenly distributed around the wreath. You can always add some branches and needles if some parts are a little empty.
4. Now it’s time to draw your baubles. Draw some circles in the middle of your Christmas wreath. Make sure your baubles have different sizes and are at different heights. If you’d like you can also add some patterns to your baubles. After this, we can add hooks and strings to our baubles. Draw a small square with a semicircle on top of all your baubles. Then, add a string from the hook of your bauble to a branch of your Christmas wreath. I’ve made mine very simple, but you can embellish them if you’d like.
Now you have finished the mindful Christmas wreath and baubles exercise. Well done!
Will you use this Christmas wreath for your Christmas cards?
If you liked this exercise, you might like my Mindful umbrella pattern exercise as well.