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Valentine’s creativity: neurographic heart drawing

Busy moms, find calm this Valentine’s by creating a neurographic heart drawing. A soothing art tutorial to explore creativity and self-love.

Valentine’s Day isn’t just about celebrating love in its traditional forms; it’s also a perfect time to explore self-love and personal growth through creativity. This year, let’s dive into the soothing world of neurographic art by creating a vibrant, neurographic heart. It’s an exercise that not only celebrates the spirit of Valentine’s but also offers a unique way to de-stress and infuse your day with mindfulness. And that’s something we as moms certainly need, right?

Neurographic art is a transformative drawing practice developed by psychologist Pavel Piskarev in 2014. It combines art and psychology to create abstract imagery that reflects the complexity of the human psyche and neural networks. By drawing and coloring free-form lines and curves, this art form helps to soothe the mind, resolve internal conflicts, and unlock creative potential.

Have fun with this neurographic heart drawing! Please let me know if you’ve tried this one; I would love to see it.

You can find a small video of this exercise on my Instagram @thecreativecooldown

Supplies for the Valentine's creativity: neurographic heart drawing exercise

Supplies used:

Bristol paper (BeCreativeShop), alcohol markers (Ohuhu), fine liner 1.0 (Ohuhu).

Alternative supply suggestions:

You can use any material for this exercise, such as colored pencils, crayons, or a pencil. 

Instructions for this neurographic drawing:

Step 1 – Draw a heart

Before you start, slowly breathe in and out a few times to clear your head. Then, bring yourself to the present, away from all the day-to-day stress.

Begin by drawing a simple heart shape on your paper. Don’t worry about perfection; the beauty of neurographic art lies in its imperfection and spontaneity.

Step 2 – Fill with free-form lines

Inside the heart, start drawing free-form lines that loop, intersect, and overlap. These lines don’t need to follow any pattern; let your hand move freely across the page.

Step 3 – Round off the corners

Wherever lines intersect and create sharp angles, gently round them off to create smooth transitions. This process symbolizes smoothing out life’s rough edges and promoting a flow of positive energy.

Drawing a tree with hatching is more than just an artistic activity; it can be your moment of me-time. This exercise is ideal for moms looking to explore their creativity in a relaxing, low-pressure way.

Step 4 – Add color

Now, bring your heart to life with color. Fill the different sections created by your lines with colors that resonate with you. Each color you choose can represent an emotion, a wish, or simply colors you like.

Once complete, take a moment to reflect on your creation. Notice the blend of colors, the way the lines flow, and how the process made you feel.

As busy moms, finding moments for ourselves amidst the whirlwind of family life can often feel like a luxury we can barely afford. Yet, it’s these moments of personal creativity and self-care that replenish our spirits, enabling us to pour more love and energy into our families. Creating a neurographic heart this Valentine’s Day isn’t just about making art; it’s a gesture of love towards yourself, a reminder that amidst the endless roles you play, you are deserving of care and attention too.

You might also like my neurographic fall exercise if you enjoyed this exercise.

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