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Simple pattern exercise

Step 4: Add some colour

This is a simple pattern exercise to make you relax and help you focus.

Supplies used:

Sheet of paper, fineliner and colored pencils.

Alternative supply suggestions:

You can use any scrap of paper that you have lying around, such as the margins of a newspaper, a magazine, the back of a grocery list. A pencil or a regular pen is fine as well. If you want to add colours, just use what you have (crayons, water color, markers) or use a pencil to add various grey tones.


1. Draw some diagonal lines on your page (from bottom-left to the upper-right). No problem if they are a bit wobbly.
2. Now draw some diagonal lines in the other direction (from upper-left to bottom-right).
3. Now create your own pattern. Fill in some sections, either by coloring them in, putting dots in them, drawing lines in them or whatever you like.
4. You can even add some colour, if you have some colored pencils or crayons.

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